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O P E N I N G  H O U R S 


Of Lockets and Lies

He sighed, rolling his eyes past the four-poster bed and up to the unblemished ceiling, as he breathed, "No need to deny that you two are nearly bed-mates." Grey eyes wide, she gasped, "Why, you ungrateful, wretched man."
Jesus, he thought.

Meet Adrian. Adrian Forge, to be exact, fighter, drunkard, and handsome sailor. His life isn't pretty, but it's panning out to be something else. His father is dying of mysterious illness, which is already bad enough, when he takes a bullet for Ms. Rowena Harding, one of the most famous debutantes in all of London. Mistake Number One. Going on a journey for answers with Ms. Harding? Mistake Number Two.
Meet Rowena Harding; beautiful and spoiled, she has no intention of marrying off despite the fact she's nearly eighteen and that she is in love with Adrian Forge's best friend, Colin Smith. However, she does not remember anything of her childhood, and when a man holds a pistol to her chest, demanding for a locket, she's left speechless. What would a locket have to do with her?
On a quest for answers about their past and their futures, Adrian and Rowena set off on an incredible adventure. What will happen along the way? Are they meant to live or are they meant to die?
Or, more importantly, what does a locket have to do with any of this?
Mystery, adventure, romance, and danger, all set in 1870's London is sure to have you flipping the pages in no time.


"Christ Almighty," He whispered, taking a step backward. The girl in the glass, the one at his shoulder, frowned; moonlight danced off the odd silver of her skin as she turned, facing the window as well. Rose-Red could see her eyes, wide and surrounded by thousands of black lashes, the color of hearth flames, staring at the man.

Her eyes appeared as sunset-colored pieces of glass; desperate, sharp, intent as they focused on the stranger that could now see her. "Who are you?" He demanded, his fine-looking features twisted in fear.

"What is this?"

A dark fantastical twist on the forgotten Grimm tale, Snow-White and Rose-Red. Snow-White is the younger sister of Rose-Red, a wild, confident girl who is plagued with the question: why did the widow that raised her and her sister forbade them from going outside? In an unlikely scenario of events, a stranger who bursts into their home ends up killing them, which should be the end of the story; except it is not. Rose-Red awakes in a palace as one of the rarest species of undead: a banshee. As she begins to grow aware of her surroundings, she stumbles upon a strange, handsome, young-man inside the Palace, also on a quest for answers. Only together can they discover themselves, fall in love, uncover the truth, and perhaps even live happily ever after? After all, how can one fall in love when another owns one's heart? A story of love, betrayal, family, magic, and the after-life.


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